Monday, January 12, 2009

Mushroom spawn Production

There are two alternative ways in mushroom spawn manufacturing. First one is based on spores produced by mushrooms on there own and the next method is based on "tissue culture " technique which is more potential on generating identical generation of one particular species.

Method 1: Spore technique

1.Place a Healthy mature bacidium of the required spc.. as the gills are facing downwards on a clean sterile paper, inside a laminar floor hood .
2. After 20-30 mins. Collect tiny dust-like spores from a sterile inoculating needle and transfer to a sterilized test tube/petri dish filled with distilled water i.e called spore suspension.
3. Mix the suspension with same needle and draw streaks on a pre-prepared PDA medium in a petri dish.
4. Allow 10-12 days of incubation period until it shows charectiristic mycelial growth.

Method 2 : Tissue culture technique

Mushroom spawn production in Sri Lanka is largely based on tisssue culture technique. In here particular tissues from a healthy, characteristic, fresh basidium (mushroom) is separated and artificially grown under controlled conditions in an artificial medium.

Method requires sterilized /autoclaved PDA medium poured in to petri-dishes and cooled atleast for two hours.

1. First, Wipe-off the surface of selected healthy mushroom/basidium with 70% alcohol using cotton wool.
2. Then, remove the unwanted parts of moshroom but keeping the stem-part of the mushroom.
3. Dissect the the basidium and select and separate a tissue from stem-gills intermediate zone of newly cut opened surface.
4. Place the tissue on medium in petri dish . Repeat the step until petri plate consist with around four sections of tissues.
5. Use a parafilm or a cellotape to set two petri dishes firmly well.
6. Place it for 7-14 days incubation until mycelium completely covers the surface of agar medium.